Charts used in spreadsheet software represent data from a table in a graphical form, using symbols, points, bars, lines or slices from a circle.

Charts assist in viewing and understanding large amounts of data, and the relationships between different ranges of data. They provide an easily read summary of the overall relationships of otherwise difficult to interpret data.

Charts are a useful way of displaying data visually from a spreadsheet. Spreadsheet Charts for Excel are the most popular charts for displaying spreadsheet data. Open Office is another very useful spreadsheet tool, which is also free. Google Charts is free to use, and includes spreadsheet charting tools.

Spreadsheet ChartsChart Types

  • Column Chart - Graphically represents data in vertical columns along the X axis, with the values displayed on the Y axis.
  • Bar Chart - Graphically represents data in horizontal bars on the Y axis, with the values displayed on the X axis.
  • Line Chart - Data is represented as points joined up as a line, with values on the Y axis.
  • Area Chart - Based on the Line Chart with multiple data series, and the area below each series differentiated by shading or colour etc.
  • Pie Chart - A circle divided up into slices to represent the proportions of each value out of the total.
  • XY Scatter Chart - Used for a series of scientific or mathematical data that has two values.
  • Stock Chart - Used to represent stock values over time.
  • Surface Chart - A special tool to show relationships between data series on a surface.
  • Doughnut Chart - Based on the Pie Chart it allows multiple sets of data to be combined in rings.
  • Bubble Chart - Used to show three dimensions of data, with the size of the bubble being one.
  • Radar Chart - Displays multivariate data with three or more variables represented on axes starting from the same point. 

Chart Groupings

  • Standard
  • Clustered
  • Stacked
  • Percent Stacked

Pie Chart

Spreadsheet Charts Articles

Open Office Charts are a useful way of displaying data visually from a spreadsheet. The Open Office spreadsheet program is called Calc and has a char...
Google Sheets and Excel are spreadsheet programs that are often used by businesses to track their data. The two programs have some similarities, but a...
Online Chart Makers can be used to produce free charts for inclusion in reports and presentations, or for general data analysis. There is the benefit...
A line chart is a type of chart that displays information as a series of data points called "markers" connected by straight lines. Line charts are of...
What is a Spreadsheet Chart? A spreadsheet is a type of computer program that is designed to assist with mathematical calculations and other tasks in...
A bar graph is a graphical representation of data. It consists of vertical or horizontal bars that represent data values. A bar graph can be used to ...
Here are some example chart types and chart groupings. Column Chart (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Bar Chart...
A column chart is a type of chart that displays information in columns. It is used to compare different categories of data. The column chart is used ...
Data visualization has become an essential skill in today's data-driven world. The ability to transform raw data into meaningful and easily understand...
A pie chart is a circular chart divided into sectors, or slices, which represent the relative magnitudes of a particular set of data. Pie charts are ...
Charts are one of the most useful tools in Excel. They can be used to present various data quickly and easily. Charts are also a great way to visually...
Creating charts in a spreadsheet is a great way to visualize data. You can create simple column or bar charts, box plots, histograms, pie charts and s...
Area charts are a type of chart that use area to represent data. The data is represented by lines for each data set, with the differences highlighted ...
In the world of business and data, charts are a critical tool for conveying information quickly and effectively. The right chart can take a dry spread...
A scatter chart is a type of chart that displays the relationship between two variables. It's a good way to visualize correlations and patterns in you...
Microsoft Excel, a powerful and versatile spreadsheet application, offers a wealth of charting options that cater to diverse data visualization needs....

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